English Speech "Tourism In Indonesia"

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
Honorable of the judge and all the audience
            I would like to say thank you very much to the organizing committee of this English competition, who has been giving me chance to deliver my speech, under the title “Tourism In Indonesia”
Dear my brother, sister, ladies, and gentlemen
I have four main points to deliver this title
1. The meaning of tourism in Indonesia
2. The advantage of tourism in Indonesia
3. The disadvantage of tourism in Indonesia
4. Conclusion 
We always hear about the tourism word, so, do you know what tourism is? Well,  according to Law No. 10/2009 concerning tourism, which is defined as tourism is a wide range of tourism activities supported by various facilities and services provided by communities, employers, Government and Local Government. But, in my opinion, tourism is a journey undertaken for recreation or vacation. A tourist is someone who travels at least 80 km (50 miles) from his home with recreational purposes. So, tourism in Indonesia means that is an important component of the Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of its foreign exchange revenues.
Dear Ladies and gentlemen
The second point is the advantage of tourism in Indonesia. Tourism has many benefits to society for the State even though, the benefits of tourism can be viewed from various aspects / benefits of tourism in terms of  social cultural, environmental, social values ​​& science.
 So we start from benefits in terms of cultural tourism. Another benefit that comes from the tourism industry, among others, can be seen also in terms of culture. With the rapid development of the tourism industry, it will bring understanding and intercultural understanding through the interaction of tourist to the local communities where tourist area is located. From this interaction the tourists can know and appreciate local culture and also understand the local cultural background shared by the community.

Ladies and gentlemen

Dear my brother sister ladies and gentlemen

Yes, the tourism in Indonesia brings much advantage, but it also bring disadvantage. For example in Bali there are many marijuana sells free for inviting the tourists. Besides that, free sex for fulfill needed of sex, they pay the girls expensive here for serving them. Finally, many girls want to sell their self to the tourist. Then, the most important thing is the increasing of item price in the market so the society is burden of the price increasing.

Dear my brother sister ladies and gentlemen

So, the conclusion is tourism in Indonesia brings many advantages than disadvantages because I have said that the benefits of tourism can be viewed from various aspects / benefits of tourism in terms of social cultural, environmental, social values ​​& science. While, the disadvantages can be avoided by our realization self. 

Ladies and gentlemen

Finally, that was my speech in connection with “Tourism in Indonesia”. Hopefully, it can make a change for us. Thanks for the time and attention.

Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah. Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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